The other day Simon was spending time with g'maw outside. It was nearing lunch, so she asked him what he'd like for lunch. He thinks for a minute & says, "A sandwich." She asks him what kind of sandwich, he replied, "Peanut butter & jelly." She checked the time & noticed that its not quite 11 yet, so they continued to play outside. About 15 minutes later he turned to her & said, "Go in the kitchen & fix my sandwich.... Please!" He's a bossy little thing.
Last night Rachel was playing on the floor after her bath. Simon was playing tractors with her. She still hasn't completely mastered sitting upright by herself for long periods of time. I could see her reaching for one of Simon's tractors, but she kept righting herself, so I didn't worry. Within a few seconds I hear a loud "thunk" as her face connects w/ one of the metal tractors. She wailed and screamed for about 30 minutes. I tried to put ice on it to keep the swelling & bruising at a minimum & that just made her scream more. Poor little thing. Once her bottle was made, she turned back into her sunshiney self thank goodness!
I am just your average Catholic gal, but becoming a mother and a cancer patient has changed me beyond belief. I owe it all to my wonderful family: husband, son, and daughter! Here you will read my ravings, rantings, and rationalizations. I am quite wordy and nerdy. Simon and Rachel tell me many things, but most of all they remind me... I need to remember my purpose for life - living, loving, and being as God has planned for me!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
butterflies & acid rain
Let's just say my system is on revolt... The military helicopter butterflies are bombing away w/ acid rain or something. I know this surgery is in my family & my best interest, but I feel like I'm being sent to the gallows or something. I just wish I could get it over with already! This waiting is AWFUL!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Ok. I got to thinking again... You know how when you're nervous people ask if you have butterflies. Well, I decided that is definitely NOT accurate enough. When I think of butterflies, I think of light airy beautiful creatures that flit & fly from flower to flower. Butterflies bring to mind a tranquil pastoral setting in my mind. Swaying flowers and flitting butterflies do not connote the nerves that the 'butterflies' should. When I'm nervous its more like I have bats, buzzards, or military helicopters circling my stomach. Its a violent & awkward sensation with no peace at all. That's the feeling I have now. I think right now I've got enemy military helicopters bombing away...
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
This time last year...
I was thinking this morning (I've been doing a lot of that). Anyway, this time last year I was scared to tell anyone about my pregnancy b/c I did not yet know whether the lump on my breast was cancer or not. I was fortunate that I was almost 20 weeks pregnant & not showing any signs b/c I was able to effectively hide both my pregnancy & my worry about cancer until I had to take off for my biopsy July, 7 2009. Talk about a let-down. I told everyone that I had good news & bad news... The good news was of course that I was successfully pregnant about 20 weeks along. There wasn't much celebration at my announcement because of the bad news. The bad news was of course that I also suspected I had breast cancer.
Poor Rachel didn't get welcomed as much as most babies b/c she was announced & born amid my cancer. I think she's fine though. It won't matter one way or another for her! :-)
Here she is playing house with her big brother! She's almost 7 months old & he's 2. They have the greatest time together. She loves to watch him play - even when he's driving Andrew & me crazy! Its just a matter of time b/4 she's on his heels chasing him and being chased by him! I can't wait! :-D
Poor Rachel didn't get welcomed as much as most babies b/c she was announced & born amid my cancer. I think she's fine though. It won't matter one way or another for her! :-)

Monday, June 14, 2010
... the darnedest things...
Simon says the darnedest things sometimes! He's in that phase where you can tell him to say things to someone too... So Andrew & I use him to talk to each other sometimes! ;-) Here's a cute Simon story...
He was at my mom's house walking through the garden with her. He kept pointing to the flowers & asking what colors they were. He came to one daylily that is a sort of bronzy/copper color & asked what color it was. My mom said, "Its copper." Simon replied w/ that tilt to his head, "Nana, Copper's a DOG! That's not Copper." Mom said she almost fell down laughing so hard! Our Beagle's name is Copper.
Yesterday while we were getting ready for church Simon walked up to me as I was dressing Rachel & said, "That's Rachel. Rachel is awesome." I have no idea where he got the word awesome, but that's what he said. He's just a mess! He absolutely loves her to pieces too!
Its never dull in our house!
He was at my mom's house walking through the garden with her. He kept pointing to the flowers & asking what colors they were. He came to one daylily that is a sort of bronzy/copper color & asked what color it was. My mom said, "Its copper." Simon replied w/ that tilt to his head, "Nana, Copper's a DOG! That's not Copper." Mom said she almost fell down laughing so hard! Our Beagle's name is Copper.
Yesterday while we were getting ready for church Simon walked up to me as I was dressing Rachel & said, "That's Rachel. Rachel is awesome." I have no idea where he got the word awesome, but that's what he said. He's just a mess! He absolutely loves her to pieces too!
Its never dull in our house!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Its been a while
I've not gone on vacation or anything, but its been a while since I've written. Things are kind of hectic with all the responsibilities I feel I have on my shoulders. Plus our internet at home is rather unreliable. The kiddos are doing great. Andrew is still kind of at loose ends, but he's doing pretty well. I'm tired. That's really all that's going on...
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Surgery date...
I just got the call back from Dr. K at MD Anderson for removing my ovaries. The date is July 6th. I will have pre-op appointments the week before, so most likely I'll be traveling to Houston on my birthday & having my 1st appointment on mom's (sorry mom). However, I'll be almost 1 year to the day since my diagnosis! So on my diagnosis aniversary I will be 'cured' hopefully once & for all! :-)
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
I thank God for...
Life in general - in another age I could be dead already - not to mention my 6 month old little girl would not have made it either. Although today breast cancer is relatively easily fought & won by many - even a decade ago, my mutation would have meant almost certain death for me & my unborn (at the time) child. So another aspect of this thanksgiving is for those who've pioneered in the treatment of my ailment and found ways to preserve not only my life, but also my child's.
My husband for being my rock, laughter, tease, lover, fellow-Catholic, accountant, and best friend.
My children for blessing my life with their smiles, laughter, and antics.
My family (mom & dad & DH's parents) for being so giving to help us w/ the kiddos while we work.
My job even though I occassionally (ok - most of the time) hate having to leave my family. I am blessed to have steady income, good insurance, and wonderful co-workers who also helped me through this struggle w/ cancer.
For those that have gone before us and are praying for and with us closer to God's ear than we on Earth can hope for.
My Faith, Savior, and Church. Without these rocks of my salvation I would surely have floundered in the deep recesses of my soul.
My BBC & FB & blog friends who've given me untold support all the while demanding nothing of me. I hope that one day I can return even just a paltry portion of this aid to a few of you.
My husband for being my rock, laughter, tease, lover, fellow-Catholic, accountant, and best friend.
My children for blessing my life with their smiles, laughter, and antics.
My family (mom & dad & DH's parents) for being so giving to help us w/ the kiddos while we work.
My job even though I occassionally (ok - most of the time) hate having to leave my family. I am blessed to have steady income, good insurance, and wonderful co-workers who also helped me through this struggle w/ cancer.
For those that have gone before us and are praying for and with us closer to God's ear than we on Earth can hope for.
My Faith, Savior, and Church. Without these rocks of my salvation I would surely have floundered in the deep recesses of my soul.
My BBC & FB & blog friends who've given me untold support all the while demanding nothing of me. I hope that one day I can return even just a paltry portion of this aid to a few of you.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Innermost thoughts?!
Its been a while since I've delved into my inner-most being on here. I try to keep things light-hearted & happy. Not because I'm faking the joy I have in my life, but because I'm trying to focus on the joy and not the doubts, fears, and struggles. Anyway, today I have been beset with thoughts that linger. This is the best way I know to relieve myself of them.
What does your inner voice tell you? Does it tell you you're a wonderful person? Or does yours, like mine, constantly query you as to whether you're the person others see in you? Does your inner voice congratulate you for well-made decisions? Or does yours, like mine, persistently call to mind all the doubts you've had about your decisions? Does your inner voice exude confidence at your image, intellect, and personality? Or does yours, like mine, wonder at the way others must see you? Does your inner voice accuse you of laughing too loud or too hard, of opening your mouth only to display your ignorance, or scoff at your appearance?
Does something like the struggles I've endured in the past year change you? Or does it merely call into the forefront your mortality? Did I really do anything that is all that wonderous? I was diagnosed with breast cancer - millions of women cope with that beast daily. Yes, I was pregnant at my diagnosis - 1 in 3000-3500 women have the same fate. I endured (yes I will at least give myself that much) chemotherapy and the endless paranoia associated with uncertainty. As a matter of fact, I'm still confronted w/ uncertainty and a decision that will forever change my life. However, I did not do it like a lamb lead to slaughter - opening not my mouth as the Prophet said of Jesus. No, I opened my mouth and sought compassion and commiseration.
I don't feel that I've done anything out of the ordinary. Actually, most of the time I feel that I called too much on my family & friends to support me. Every one I know has their own crosses to carry, yet I often-times know nothing of their struggles. They don't seek out my advice or comfort. I am too oblvious to notice. Although I now feel like I've experience more of life, I am still oblivious to others struggles it seems. I truly want to help others. I can acknowledge that sometimes just being up-beat (and oblivous) can help others through their dark times. However, I like to do concrete things. It just seems that I'm too selfish & caught up in solving my own problems (as if I can solve them) to help someone else attend to theirs. So take this as my humble plea and vow to offer solace where I've sought it. I truly appreciate everything that has been done for me & wish to return the favor if possible. You have but to ask.
What does your inner voice tell you? Does it tell you you're a wonderful person? Or does yours, like mine, constantly query you as to whether you're the person others see in you? Does your inner voice congratulate you for well-made decisions? Or does yours, like mine, persistently call to mind all the doubts you've had about your decisions? Does your inner voice exude confidence at your image, intellect, and personality? Or does yours, like mine, wonder at the way others must see you? Does your inner voice accuse you of laughing too loud or too hard, of opening your mouth only to display your ignorance, or scoff at your appearance?
Does something like the struggles I've endured in the past year change you? Or does it merely call into the forefront your mortality? Did I really do anything that is all that wonderous? I was diagnosed with breast cancer - millions of women cope with that beast daily. Yes, I was pregnant at my diagnosis - 1 in 3000-3500 women have the same fate. I endured (yes I will at least give myself that much) chemotherapy and the endless paranoia associated with uncertainty. As a matter of fact, I'm still confronted w/ uncertainty and a decision that will forever change my life. However, I did not do it like a lamb lead to slaughter - opening not my mouth as the Prophet said of Jesus. No, I opened my mouth and sought compassion and commiseration.
I don't feel that I've done anything out of the ordinary. Actually, most of the time I feel that I called too much on my family & friends to support me. Every one I know has their own crosses to carry, yet I often-times know nothing of their struggles. They don't seek out my advice or comfort. I am too oblvious to notice. Although I now feel like I've experience more of life, I am still oblivious to others struggles it seems. I truly want to help others. I can acknowledge that sometimes just being up-beat (and oblivous) can help others through their dark times. However, I like to do concrete things. It just seems that I'm too selfish & caught up in solving my own problems (as if I can solve them) to help someone else attend to theirs. So take this as my humble plea and vow to offer solace where I've sought it. I truly appreciate everything that has been done for me & wish to return the favor if possible. You have but to ask.
A Memorial Day to remember!
This weekend was AWESOME in its mediocrity! I mean that in a good way. Everything was very low demand and generally come-as-you-please. Saturday we played outside w/ the kiddos.
Sunday we went to an awesome party in Morganfield. At the party Simon & Rachel got to swim w/ Andrew & me. It was great! Rachel was in her little float kicked back & relaxing. She was so adorable in her swimsuit & hat (thanks Laura). Simon put on arm floaties & slid down the slide into the water. He also got brave enough for me to let go of him & have him float by himself for a few seconds. Andrew even got a thrill because our host owns a new Shelby GT 500 or Cobra or something as well as a classic. I just had fun b/c there were drinks, food, friends, and a pool! I was even confident about the way I looked for a change!
Monday was another really low-key day. We played outside w/ the kiddos. We visited mom & dad. Same-old same-old!
Sunday we went to an awesome party in Morganfield. At the party Simon & Rachel got to swim w/ Andrew & me. It was great! Rachel was in her little float kicked back & relaxing. She was so adorable in her swimsuit & hat (thanks Laura). Simon put on arm floaties & slid down the slide into the water. He also got brave enough for me to let go of him & have him float by himself for a few seconds. Andrew even got a thrill because our host owns a new Shelby GT 500 or Cobra or something as well as a classic. I just had fun b/c there were drinks, food, friends, and a pool! I was even confident about the way I looked for a change!
Monday was another really low-key day. We played outside w/ the kiddos. We visited mom & dad. Same-old same-old!
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Smiling already at 2 weeks

Rachel has been smiling as a response to other people since day one.
And two shall become one...
In 2006, Andrew & I became one before God and family! Shortly thereafter we became 3 with the birth of Simon in 2008... Then 4 with the addition of Rachel in 2009!
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