Friday, November 21, 2014

40 Things I've Learned from My Parents' 40 Years of Marriage

November 29, 1974 was a very special day. My parents were joined in Holy Matrimony that day. In a world where relationships lasting 40 days seem rare (at least if you're talking about celebrities), 40 years of marriage is a big deal! Blessedly, I've spent all of my 33 years living with (or near) my parents. Even now, I live "next-door" to them, so that my children and I can visit without ever setting foot on a real road, 1/4 of a mile away. So even my children are benefiting from the witness my parents share just by living out their vocation faithfully. Here are some things I've learned.

1.  Pray together.
2.  Do little things for one another.
3.  Show affection for one another.
4.  Don't be afraid to fight.
5.  Be willing to forgive.
6.  Give each other space.
7.  Support each other in parenting.
8.  Pray for each other.
9.  Talk to each other not at each other.
10. Know your priorities: 1-God, 2-spouse, 3-children, 4-etc.
11. Respect each other's boundaries.
12. Apologize even if you don't think you were the only one in the wrong.
13. Attend public functions together.
14. Spoil one another occasionally.
15. Go to Mass and Reconcilliation often together and individually.
16. Be risqué occasionally.
17. Share inside jokes.
18. Have your own interests.
19. Give your relationship 100%.
20. Respect each other's bodies and feelings-Theology of the Body is great.
21. Work together on projects.
22. Challenge each other-spiritually and physically.
23. Share an interest, hobby, or leisure activity.
24. Listen to music together (dance sometimes).
25. Remember what attracted you to each other.
26. Lend an ear or shoulder to each other for tough times.
27. Know that your marriage is more than a piece of paper-God is with you.
28. Have a "date-night" even if it's at home.
29. Show an interest in each other's passions.
30. Know you don't have to agree all the time, just agree to disagree.
31. Go to a neutral party if you're having relationship trouble-priests are great.
32. Know and avoid each other's hot-buttons.
33. Support each other's work.
34. Admit your weaknesses to each other.
35. Rely on each other for strength during hard times.
36. Say and do silly things.
37. Let other people see your love.
38. Constantly re-evaluate your goals and dreams.
39. Let go and let God-money, status, things, health, etc are nothing without Him.
40. Love each other.

I don't have much financially right now, but I have a constantly growing appreciation for my parents and their marriage. This is their Ruby Anniversary-40th-and I wish there was more I could do for them. However, I know my love, prayers, and thoughts will suffice. I love you two! Thank you for being a great example!

1 comment:

Birgit J said...

Awww...what a sweet post! Thank you for having the eyes to really 'see' us! We're so proud of you and love you bunches!

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