Tuesday, November 29, 2011

If it weren't for bad luck, we'd have no luck...

When it rains it pours... Andrew and I have good luck as far as healthy, active, cute, intelligent, happy, and precocious children are concerned. What we lack is good luck in other areas of our lives. From Andrew's horse accident before we married to my cancer, we two have been through the wringer physically and emotionally. Although we are still together being one another helpmate (scriptural reference). We've also been struck since before our marriage with house issues. From vandals before I bought it to hurricane Ike followed by the ice storm of 2009, we thought we'd seen enough damage to our home.

Well, that has been disproven now. Last Thursday as I went into the silent kitchen (the kids were asleep) I heard a hissing noise by the fridge. When I asked Andrew about it, he told me it was the ice maker refilling. Sunday night for some reason Andrew pulled the fridge out of its cubby. What he found was soaked laminate wood floors, trim, and about 2" of water in the duct-work. Apparently the hissing I noticed was a small hole(s) in the water line to the ice maker. We are unsure how long the water leaked, but it seems it must have been a long time. We called the insurance adjuster and he came out to assess the damage. He quickly turned that over to a professional group. It took 5 days, all the floor in affected room(s) removed to subfloor, many holes in the walls, many fans, a dehumidifier, an air scrubber, a slice in the plastic wrap beneath the house, and more to dry the kitchen and Simon's floors.

Since mold was found in the ducts, with my asthma and the kids' allergies, we had to move out of the house. We are still living at Andrew's dad's home. The mold evaluator/erradicator group cannot devote a day to our house until Wednesday. Even then we're unsure how long it will be before it is advisable for us to move back into the house. Thankfully Andrew's dad and wife are very tolerant of the kids. Not to mention very compassionate to me and Andrew. They have both told us we can stay as long as necessary.

Not that I'm ungrateful, but I can't wait to get back into my own home. The kids seem a bit off-kilter too even though we've all done everything we can to ensure their routines stay as close to 'normal' as possible. I'm also afraid our hosts are too kind to admit we're cramping their style.

Of course, this house issue comes while I'm recuperating from my surgery, we're trying to finalize our bankruptcy, and the kids had just readjusted to having Andrew and me home. I'm sure there's more, but it's too tedious to try to list.

The best thing is that we are all together and making the best of it. God willing one day Andrew and I will have smooth sailing in life! :-)

Friday, November 25, 2011

2 years ago...

I was bald & 9 months pregnant. After our pre-meal, Andrew & I returned home. Around 1030 that night (the 25th), Andrew & I were rushing to Labor & Delivery because I was terrified that Rachel wasn't moving. They reassured me she was ok, but kept me anyway.

It was a sleepless night for me (Andrew fell asleep on the chair). By about 430 am, I felt the absolute worst contractions ever (MUCH worse than my 'induced' ones with Simon). Around 730 am Andrew's birthday present, Rachel Eleonore, made her arrival. Her big brother Simon came to see her along with my mom & dad, Andrew's mom, & Andrew's dad.

I repeatedly asked the doctors to check her very thoroughly to make sure my worst fears weren't fact. I was repeatedly assured that my bundle of joy was absolutely healthy & perfect. She had a little trouble maintaining body temperature & a touch of jaundice, but everything was well within normal limits. The chemotherapy that had saved my life hadn't affected her at all! As a matter of fact, she had as much or more hair as me!! We wore our matching hats (hand crocheted by me) for photos & even news stories.

Now it's been 2 years... So hard to believe… I'm cancer-free, but still not pain-free. Rachel is still amazing everyone: only now it's based on what she can do, not what she survived. Simon & Andrew are still pleased with their girls!

On their birthday, we are going to celebrate Andrew's 31 years & Rachel's 2 years. We're having a Cowboy & Cowgirl themed birthday lunch. It's been a wild ride, but we've stuck out past the 8-second timer – like a good cowboy riding a wild horse. Yee-haw!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Three Forms, One Substance

I need help... Blogger mobile accidentally deleted this post! :-( I was trying to delete an empty post, but before I realized it this one popped up & got deleted. :-( HELP! I'm hoping someone still has this post open on their browser. If you do, please email it to me at erikav@me.com. Thank you!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thanksgiving & prayers

I thank God for my family -- especially Andrew and Rachel on their birthday weekend -- and friends. I thank God for the continued support and love I get from my family -- especially Andrew and mom -- friends, and even complete strangers throughout the world.

I thank God for my husband and best friend, Andrew. I thank God for my intelligent, good, strong, and handsome little boy, Simon. I pray that his health continues to be good his whole life through. I thank God for my intelligent, strong-willed, miraculous, and adorable little girl, Rachel. I pray that her health continues to be good his whole life through. I thank God for Faithful, intelligent, generous, skilled, supportive, loving mom, Birgit. I pray that her health continues to be good the rest of her life. I also pray that I can follow her example at being a wonderful mother, a great wife, a strong advocate for life and Faith. I thank God for my Faithful, intelligent, hard-working, generous, supportive, strong, loving dad, Rick. I pray that is health continues to be good for the rest of his life. I pray that I can emulate his work-ethic and strength. I thank God for the rest of my wonderful family as well. I pray that we continue to be close-knit, supportive, happy, healthy, and loving for the rest of our lives.

I pray that all people in the world will open their eyes and hearts to the wonderful gift of life and give thanks for life even when things look desperate. I pray that everyone recognizes the blessings they have in their families. I pray that people all over the world will be generous, caring, kind, and loving toward one another -- especially when there are marked differences between each other. I thank God for the military men and women who have dedicated and sacrificed their lives so that we may be free and safe from harm. I pray that these military men and women, as well as their families have good health, Faith, and protection as they fight for right.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


The kids grew so much while we were gone! However, they did not grow apart even though they were kept separately for some of the time. I love them so much & it's obvious to everyone they love each other a tremendous amount too!

Rachel continues to grow & learn at a super (to me) rapid pace. She is extremely coordinated & is currently trying to learn to pedal her tricycle. At bedtime tonight she amazed me by singing "Joyful Joyful" almost word for word with me. She is also talking in sentences now. Her favorite is still "What doing?" She sounds so much like Simon talking now it's unreal!

Simon is the most solid little boy ever! He's got a lot of drainage & had to run to the doctor this afternoon. The good part is that the doctor said his lungs & ears are clear. He was also measured at 41" and 44 lbs!! My BIG boy!! He seems so grown up. As he played with his monster tractors this afternoon when asked which was his favorite he replied, "They're all my favorites because they do different jobs." such a little diplomat!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Vote with your conscience!!

No issue at hand in our society trumps thatof life. Without the right to life, all other rights would simply cease to exist. So please, during the primary, please vote for the most pro-life candidate you can.

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Smiling already at 2 weeks

Smiling already at 2 weeks
Rachel has been smiling as a response to other people since day one.

And two shall become one...

And two shall become one...
In 2006, Andrew & I became one before God and family! Shortly thereafter we became 3 with the birth of Simon in 2008... Then 4 with the addition of Rachel in 2009!

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