Monday, June 29, 2009

Simon at 16 months

Yesterday, after playing outside in the garden for a while, Simon came in to play with his toys. We (Andrew, Simon, & I) all got involved in a 'stamp war' - as you can see on his hands, arms, legs, feet, and face. Needless to say, based on his expression, Simon wasn't harmed at all during our war! In fact, he loved it and continuously begs for more!

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Smiling already at 2 weeks

Smiling already at 2 weeks
Rachel has been smiling as a response to other people since day one.

And two shall become one...

And two shall become one...
In 2006, Andrew & I became one before God and family! Shortly thereafter we became 3 with the birth of Simon in 2008... Then 4 with the addition of Rachel in 2009!

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