My growth mostly seems to involve learning to juggle motherhood, wifely duties, and job duties
Andrew's growth is amazing. He can be a curmudgen - he knows it, I know it, his family knows it, my family knows it - we all accept it. However, sometimes we take exception to his grumpiness. Lately though, he's been gaining ground on turning over a new leaf and shedding the old husk of curmudgenery (ok, I know that's not a word, but its so much fun). My heart just melts when Andrew sits on the couch, exhausted from a long physically difficult day at the garage, with Simon in his lap. They companionably watch the news together. Then Andrew hugs Simon tightly to his chest and plants kisses around his face all while saying "I just love you, little chunky-monkey".
I know we all grow at our own pace, but it seems that lately we're all growing similarly. That's tremendous b/c God knows we need solidarity. We need each other. Most of all we need God!