My pregnancy was relatively easy - no overboard weight gain, no swelling, no real morning sickness, just a growing belly - and that didn't even show up until I was 5-6 months pregnant! The delivery was very uncomplicated - I went in - had already been dilating, effacing & contracting for almost a month. Simon popped out after only 10 minutes of active pushing. Simon's first 6 months have been relatively easy too - no serious illnesses (a cold/allergies once or twice), incredible weight gain (from 7 lbs 14 oz to 23+ lbs - will get official weight on the 20th), incredible development from tiny baby push ups to sitting on his own and rolling from back to front and back again, and an abundance of love!
I am blessed to have had such a wonderful experience. I sometimes look at Andrew & Simon and wonder how I became so blessed. Then I see my parents with Simon and know that I was partially blessed because I was raised by two other blessed individuals. I know I'm not perfect, Simon's not perfect, Andrew's not perfect, nor are my parents perfect. However, I think the fact that we all strive to be the best people God has called us to be gives us these wonderful gifts from Heaven.
Happy 6 month birthday, Simon! Happy 6 months of parenthood to Andrew & me! Happy times are had by all!