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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Whew big birthdays!!

Well, yesterday (11/26) was a BIG day for the Vandiver house-hold! Two giant milestones were celebrated. Andrew hit the big THREE-OH while Rachel hit the big ONE! We had a party for them both, however, most of the emphasis was on Rachel's milestone & not Andrew's.

In keeping with my preference, we decorated primarily with lavendar, butterflies, and flowers. Mom made cupcakes and decorated them as individual flowers! A giant mylar butterfly balloon was the cornerstone while a "Happy 1st Birthday" banner dedicated the party to this momentous occassion. Simon made a sign for Andrew's 30th to hang under the banner to ensure that his daddy wasn't forgotten. The cousins and their associated family members came over to celebrate the day! Dad's potato soup and Brenda's punch were also big hits!

Rachel made us all proud by taking some serious steps. Its like she decided that since she was officially one, she was going to walk like a one-year-old instead of crawling like a baby! She's been taking steps here & there for at least a month or two, but yesterday (and Thanksgiving day) she was walking across rooms instead of just a few feet at a time! Sadly she didn't make any progress on blowing her candle's out, so I did it for her! However, all the kiddos impressed everyone quite nicely by saying their prayers before the meal. Even the littlest ones - Lukas & Rachel - participated by folding their hands. Simon lead the prayer in true style as the guest of honors' son & brother. It was truly a God-inspired gathering!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Well, I'm still working on recovering. I've found that this cancer thing has changed my physical & mental capabilities & out-look. Right now, these changes have sunk my confidence in myself. I'm working on improving. I've also found that I need to be more confident of myself as an adult. Contrary to how I sound on the Internet, I'm pretty meek & mild when around my elders. I'm also very cautious about hurting others feelings when/if they hurt mine. In other words, in real life, I don't speak out very much. I'd rather remain silent than stop someone near & dear to me from saying more than I want to hear on a subject. I've gotten pretty good at talking to Andrew in my own way, but I haven't been able to branch out to others yet. Its a goal.

Andrew & I have been spending a lot of time at home with the kids the past 2 weeks. Rachel is still not quite walking - she takes 4-6 steps then sits down. She is an absolute leech on Andrew, just like Simon. She's also started throwing temper tantrums. When she doesn't get what she wants (like picked up by Andrew) she flings herself onto the floor & rolls around while moaning. Its kind of funny, but its also scary because I don't want her to be so spoiled. She chatters like a Magpie too. I think one of her words is "horsie" which makes me happy! She can also say: mama, dada (one of her top 2 words), bye-bye, nana (one of her top 2 words), papa, nanny, papaw, and ninin (I think that's Simon). She's obsessed with my Breyer horses and Simon's cars. She also likes books, but won't sit still for a whole one to be read to her.

Simon is still not potty trained. I'm pretty disappointed. If we press him to potty in the potty too much he'll just hold it in. He also cries like his heart is broken if we try. Otherwise he's doing quite well. Right now he's on a hunger strike. He's not eating, but he's drinking. Both he & Rachel have had some sort of viral mucus funk. I thought he had it first, but now that Rachel has recovered he seems like he's got it again/still. He's been really cuddly lately (that's his sickness mode). He & Rachel roll around on the floor and wrestle all the time. They love to play with one of my blankets - peek a boo mostly.

Overall, I think our little household is doing pretty well. Both kids are kind of spoiled, but Andrew & I have talked about how we're going to prevent further spoiling (in our house) and hopefully reverse some of the spoiling. We're still working on communication. Tomorrow (November 18th) will mark 5 years since Andrew & I first met! So much has changed, yet so much has stayed the same! Hopefully things will get better! :-)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New start?

I've enlisted all my strength to try to start over again. I'm trying to keep myself *very* busy so I don't think about my physical problems. I'm also trying to just not think too much period. Today I helped Andrew in his 'new' man-cave/semi-trailer w/o wheels. We built a work-bench. This is probably the 1st time we've worked together on something like this as such a good team. I'm usually with the kids or trying to do something else. I think I may have surprised him by my familiarity with the process & such. I may not be a girly-girl, but I've tried to avoid too much heavy lifting since we've been married - mostly because I've been pregnant on & off (mostly on with the 2 live babies & 4 miscarriages in less than 4 years). Anyway, today I was able to hand him things w/o him asking and be a couple steps ahead sometimes. I was quite proud of myself. I think the work-bench looks great! Hopefully I was also able to help him work smarter & not harder for his back's sake.

Of course, the semi-heavy lifting I did was not without consequences. My foobs are burning & my lower abdomen where my scars are hurts pretty bad. However, I think it made my mental/emotional picture better today. I still think this cancer stuff is horribly long-lasting, but maybe I'm going to be better soon. I hope & pray...